On Air Now

Mon - Fri: 05:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 02:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 PM
The Stratobowl was first made famous in the 1930’s when high altitude balloons launched from the site, visited the stratosphere and made history. The site has long been acknowledged as an important part of aviation history.
Now, once a year pilots and their balloons flock to the site in honor of those that came before us; to bring awareness to this beautiful historic site. Annually, the event hosts approximately 10 balloons during this weather permitting ‘sunrise only’ three day event.
Will you FLY or HIKE?
FLY: You can fly! Spots are limited; reservations are required. Call 605-673-2520 to book. Cost is $295 per adult. Flight is approx one hour and weather permitting.
HIKE: Spectators are welcome! Because the launch location is PRIVATE PROPERTY, spectators are asked to view the launch from the Stratobowl Rim Trail. Parking is limited. Balloon launch is scheduled for sunrise. Bring a flashlight, chair and your camera.