On Air Now
Mon - Fri: 05:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Mon - Fri: 02:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 PM
The presentation by South Dakota Humanities Council’s Speakers Bureau Scholar Phyllis Schrag is a sequel to If You Have to Grow Up, It Might as Well Be in a Small Town and Baseball, Preachers, and Funerals. This “storytelling” type lecture is a humorous yet poignant look at small town life in winter and especially around Christmas. There is the annual Christmas Eve church program presented by the Sunday school children, the caroling, and the famous Christmas sack of peanuts and hard candy. The reminisces include a poignant story of a special and unusual Christmas gift. Audiences who have enjoyed the previous two programs will find this a nostalgic trip back in time. However, it can serve as a stand-alone program for any audience. Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center; 12:00 p.m. The event is free.