On Air Now

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 05:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
The Little Sisters of Sisters of Hoboken return to the Sturgis stage after a 12-year hiatus. We last saw the Little Sisters in 2011 and now those humble nuns, with a bit of the show biz bug, will return this summer singing and dancing into your hearts from Thursday, June 22 – Sunday, June 25.
The cast includes all of our favorite nuns: Sister Mary Paul (formerly know as Amnesia ever since a crucifix hit her on the head and she lost her memory), Sister Mary Leo (maybe on roller skates and who wants to be the first nun ballerina), Sister Robert Anne, the tough character from Brooklyn, Sister Mary Hubert, Mistress of the Novices, and of course, Sister Mary Regina, the Mother Superior. This large cast edition also offers parts for Father Virgil, Sisters Mary Wilhelm (convent nurse), Julia, Child of God (convent cook), Mary Brendan (teacher), Mary Luke (teacher), Brother Timothy, and a chorus of other nuns, brothers, priests, and students.
Auditions will be held Sunday and Monday, April 30 and May 1, from 6:00-8:00pm each evening at Grace Lutheran Church, located at 1061 Sherman Street, in Sturgis. You don’t need to prepare anything, just come and show us your sparkling…. um, we mean, HOLY self and be prepared to read from the script and sing and dance a few steps. Please note – rehearsals will be in the evening hours throughout May and June – please make sure your schedule is clear so that you won’t miss rehearsals.
Tech people also needed – please come to auditions and let us know you’re interested.