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Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 PM
The 2024 Lawrence County District 31 Legislative Crackerbarrels will be held Saturday, February 24th at the Deadwood Mountain Grand.
The District 31 Lawrence County Cracker Barrels are organized by the Spearfish and Deadwood Chambers to give the community an opportunity to meet with our elected officials.
Legislative Crackerbarrels in your area offer access to your local legislators, as well as the chance to hear their answers on a variety of legislative topics.
Each elected official will give an update on the committees they serve and bills that have been introduced.
Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in writing at the event.
Senator Deibert, Representative Odenbach and Representative Fitzgerald have been invited to sit as a panel to give updates on the current legislative session.
Our legislators are also available at that time to answer questions from the audience.
The events are free to attend.
For more information, contact the Spearfish Chamber 605-642-2626 or the Deadwood Chamber 605-578-1876.