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Show Members Share Rants About Things Going On in Their Lives

Last week, The Bobby Bones Show all needed to get a little rant out about something going on in their lives. It went over so well that they decided to do another round of it.

Amy ranted about turning 44-years-old, and she has a lot of confusion about her body. She complained that no one warned her or ever told her that her body is going to rebel, going through perimenopause and she doesn’t know how to define what’s happening to her. Eddie started his rant by saying he loves God, but he doesn’t understand why it’s allowed for him to have allergies. It’s a terrible time of year for him every year. Also, his arm is still hurting him. Lunchbox’s rant was aimed at another show member, Amy. He doesn’t understand why it’s hard to take things home because Amy’s CMA Award has been sitting in the studio for over 3 months and she’s had a package sitting out in the lobby for over 13 days. He just wants her to take her stuff home and not leave it in the studio.

Morgan’s rant was about bad pet owners. She was at an unleashed park with her dog, and a dog came out of nowhere trying to attack her dog. Thankfully Morgan was paying close attention and grabbed her dog off the ground before it was too late. The dog’s owner was not paying attention at all and just on his phone acting like it wasn’t a big deal. She also thinks there should be a list where people should be banned from owning pets if they’ve proven to be bad owners. Lastly, Bobby’s rant was about lack of information on his family’s medical history. Every time he goes to a doctor it’s the thing he is always asked about, but he doesn’t have any information so he constantly feels like a medical detective having to text random cousins asking for information.

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