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Listeners Stop By Studio After Dropping Amy Note On Plane

AmyBobby Bones and his wife Caitlin were on a flight when a person dropped a note in Amy’s lap.
The note addressed The Bobby Bones Show team and was from Jared, whose son Aiden loves the show! Aiden was adopted from the Island of Grenada, and he has an inoperable brain tumor. He’s doing well and his Make-A-Wish was to meet and be on the show, but they talked him out of it because he couldn’t communicate clearly at the time. The note asked them to say hi to him or sign it and take a selfie. Instead, Aiden and his mom and dad were invited into the studio to be on the show!
Jared showed his wife, Crystal, the note before he dropped it off and she explained that they were going to think he was hitting on them, thankfully Amy opened it and was so grateful to receive the message! Aiden is 12 and was adopted eight years ago when he was four and brought home to Nashville. Jared is a professional presenter for the construction industry. Crystal is an author and television producer. Since adopting Aiden, the family has had four more boys, making it a family of five boys. They had lost several adoptions prior to Aiden, but if any of them had worked out, he would not have come home. But when he did and they were able to chase down what he needed medically, they discovered all the doctors he needed were in Nashville, so it was fate he ended up with their family in Nashville!
Aiden watched Bones on Dancing with The Stars and that’s when he became a fan of his! He attends Benton Hall Academy and his favorite subject in school is dismissal and he shouted out his teacher Ms. Glick. Aiden is thankfully stable with all the medical things he’s going through. In his last MRI report it was very minute, but his tumor was shrinking, which was the first time they saw that happen, so it’s trending in a positive direction!

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